會員資料登記  QR Code

Membership Registration QR Code


請於收到原味家作驗証短訊(SMS)後 ,根據短訊內提供的連結或登入 https://vip.otw.com.hk,盡快完成會員資料登記,以保障您的會員權益。

會員必須按入印於會員咭背面右上角的 「會員號碼」及「驗証碼」登入系统進行登記。各項個人資料完成登記後按「確認」,手續便完成了。

會員個人資料將保障您在報失及補領咭時,本公司能根據電腦記錄成功核實會員身份,提供補領服務。 如未能成功核實身份,本公司將不會提供補領服務,遺失之會員咭內的所有餘額及積分亦將無法補回。本公司不會為遺失會員咭内之餘額及積分承擔任何責任及補償,敬希注意!

Dear Member,

Thank you very much for your patronage!

Please complete the registration via the link of our SMS, or login https:\\vip.otw.com.hk as soon as possible.

On the “First Time Registration Page”, please login with your “Membership No.” and “Approval Code” printed on the right-hand corner of the back side of your membership card. Once you login the registration page, please fill in all the required personal information, then press “Submit” to complete the registration process.

In order to fully protect your right, it is very important to provide your personal information and complete the registration process. In case of reporting a lost and re-issue a membership card, we have to verify your identity with your registered record. If we cannot verify your identity, we will not re-issue a new card to you, and all the remaining balance and accumulated points of the lost card will not be returned. Our company does not take any responsibility and compensation of the remaining balance and accumulated points at any circumstances.

Thank you very much for your kind attention!